Lunar Rendezbrew XXX - Honeymoon Mead Competition
Thank you for your interest in the Lunar Rendezbrew XXX - Honeymoon Mead Competition organized by
, Webster, Tx.You only need to register your information once and can return to this site to enter more brews or edit the brews you've entered. You can even pay your entry fees online if you wish.
Entry Registration is Open
37 entries have been added to the system as of 2:32 PM, CDT, Friday, March 28, 2025. There is a limit of 42 entries for this competition.
37 paid entries are in the system as of 2:32 PM, CDT, Friday, March 28, 2025. There is a limit of 42 paid entries for this competition.
Current entry count by style type and associated limits:
- Traditional Mead – 9 of 14
- Fruit Mead – 14 of 14
- Spice/Specialty Mead – 14 of 14
To add your entries into the system, please proceed through the registration process or log in if you already have an account.
Judge and Steward Registration is Open
If you have not registered and are willing to be a volunteer, please register.
If you have registered, log in and then choose Edit Account from the My Account menu indicated by the icon on the top menu.
***Notice: 2 bottles are required to win a medal.
This competition is BJCP/AHA sanctioned and open to any amateur homebrewer for mead only.
Please read the rules carefully, as this competition is separate from the Lunar Rendezbrew Beer competition which will use this site beginning in June 2025.
This competition will be limiting the number of entries to 42 total entries, with a limit for individual brewer entries to 3 entries per brewer/team. Brewers are limited to one entry per medal table. The tables will be M1 Traditional Mead, M2 Fruit Mead, and a combination of M3 & M4 for Spiced/Specialty Mead. In order to implement this in the software, we had to create custom categories for each table of mead. This method will allow the system to control the entry counts per table. However, we lose the functionality of checking boxes for strength, finish, and carbonation. So you will be required to manually enter that in the additional information box. We have expanded the character limits for the box due to this change.
Staggered entry registration will be used with 2 entry allowed starting on March 16th at 7:oo pm CST, and then it will open up to allow 1 additional entries per brewer/team on Wednesday March 19th at 7:00 pm CST.
Also, this competition will be accepting mead entries only. It is our goal to build up our judging base to bring this back to the main competition in the near future.
All shipped and drop-off entries must be received at the shipping location by the entry deadline, Tuesday April 8th at 8:00 pm. - please allow for shipping time. Sorting will take place at a TBD time and place during the week following this deadline. Dropped off entries to John Black will be allowed through April 8th (Bay Area Mashtronauts April meeting) or at Sitta Brew Hub.
Winners will not be announced until the award ceremony on April 12th, 2025 following the judging session. The website will update shortly after. Please also subscribe to our YouTube channel for any broadcast of the event and awards at
Please submit 2 bottles per entry.
All entries must be handcrafted products, containing ingredients available to the general public, and made using private equipment by hobbyist brewers (i.e., no use of commercial facilities or Brew on Premises operations, supplies, etc.).
The competition organizers are not responsible for mis-categorized entries, mailed entries that are not received by the entry deadline, or entries that arrived damaged. Shipping early may allow for notification of shipping damages so that a new entry can be supplied.
Qualified judging of all entries is the primary goal of our event. Judges will evaluate and score each entry and provide a scoresheet with feedback. At least 1 mead certified BJCP judge will be assigned to each flight (more when possible).
The competition committee reserves the right to combine categories based on number of entries. All possible effort will be made to combine similar styles. All meads in combined categories will be judged according to the style they were originally entered in.
The Best of Show judging will be determined by a Best of Show panel with each of the gold medal winning meads (assuming a 2nd bottle is provided).
Entry Acceptance Rules
Number of Bottles Required Per Entry: 2
Two bottles or cans of any size (including 187 mL) are required that are void of all identifying information, including labels and embossing. Any solid colored bottle caps are required, or you must be complety black out any other markings to avoid identification. Violation of these requirements could result in disqualification at the discretion of the head judge.
Bottles will NOT be returned to contest entrants.
Bottle ID forms must be submitted with all entries, and can be printed directly from this website. Bottle ID forms must be secured to each bottle with a rubberband. DO NOT tape or glue the labels to the bottle or the entry may be disqualified at the discretion of the head judge.
Competition Officials
You can send an email to any of the following individuals via Contact.
- John Black — Head Judge
- John Black — Mission Commander (President)
- Drew Domalakes — Capcom (Secretary)
- Jake Jones — Pilot (Vice-President)
- Wesley Kulcak — Mission Specialist (Education Officer)
- All Club Officers — All Club Officers
- Josh Word — Payload Specialist (Treasurer)
Bay Area Mashtronauts is proud to have the following sponsors for the Lunar Rendezbrew XXX - Honeymoon Mead Competition.